Catch The Good Purchasing Time For Mobile Parts Before Christmas And New Year
Author: Candy Source: Release on: 2015-12-08
2015 Christmas and 2016 new year are coming, why it is the good purchasing time to buy more stocks now?
The reasons are below:
1- The suppliers usually will sell out their stocks with lower price or big promotion at the end of the year.
You can catch this opportunity timely.
Based on our experience, after the new year, the price for mobile phone screen usually will raise.
2- On the other hand, many people breaks their phones during the Christmas and New Year party.
So the demand for repair mobile phone at this time will be much more higher than usual.
As you known, it is the most busy reason for the shipping company before Christmas also.
The warehouse for express like: DHL, UPS, FedEx etc usually will be overloading.
It will need more 2-3 days for you to receive the order than normal time.
In addition, the Chinese New Year in 2016 will be in February.
Most of the companies in China will be on holiday from around Feb, 1st to Feb. 15th then.
SIQI suggest you to make a good purchasing plan for mobile phone parts to avoid the delay.
And hope our valued information is helpful for you to win more profits. :-)