Make Good Purchasing Plan For Cell Phone Parts Before 2017

Author: admin        Source:          Release on: 2016-09-08

New September of 2016 comes, some experienced importers started to check the coming China holidays with us.


As they need to make a good schedule for the following months purchasing.

Below is the conversation with one of our long term VIP customer in Whatsapp.

In order to let you make the purchasing plan conveniently, we share all China holiday in coming months for you here.

1) China Mid-Autumn Festival: Sep. 15th - Sep. 17th.

2) China National Day: Oct. 1st - Oct 7th. (One week)

3) 2017 New Year holiday: Dec. 12 - Jan. 2nd

4) 2017 Chinese New Year: Around Jan. 20 - Feb. 3rd (about two weeks)

In addition, the Christmas Day about one week holiday will be at the end of December for most of importers.

So the working days for both of us before Feb. 2017 is really limited, 

SIQI remind you to get enough stock as earlier as possible to avoid any delay or price increase. 

And wish your business booming. :-)

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