Learn From The Price Change For iPhone LCD After China National Day Holiday
Author: admin Source: www.siqiphoneparts.com Release on: 2016-10-24
As you known, the iPhone LCD price in October after China National Day holiday changed a lot.
1- How the China iPhone LCD price changed for different models?
1) The price for hot selling iPhone 5 series and 6G China LCD raised about 20%-25%.
2) iPhone 6 plus LCD price is stable.
3) iPhone 6S and 6S plus China display price went down.
2- What can we learn from the price change?
1) Get at least one month stocks for hot selling models.
2) The best price for get stock is around the beginning of September.
3) Make a good purchasing plan for the coming Christmas & longest Chinese New Year holiday in Jan., 2017.
The price for iPhone LCD assembly become stable at present.
And maybe will go down a little after a few days.
Can start to prepare your iPhone LCD order recently if your stock running out.