Good News: The Logistics Shipping Cost Dropped and Delivery Time Normalization
Author: Admin Source: Release on: 2020-06-02
As you known, due to the affect for the coronovirus,
many flights all over the world were cancelled to prevent the virus spread further in March, 2020.
Many many cargoes were waiting for delivery, mainly for the anti-epidemic substances.
And the China customs inspected the anti-epidemic substances quality very strictly,
all the logistics warehouse accumulated large number of goods, and in overloading situation seriously.
The storage fee for all the logistics like DHL, FedEx, UPS, EMS etc went up week by week from March.
And the time for wait the warehouse and flights from 2-3 days in March to 15-18 days in May.
The import cost increased a lot and shipping time was delayed very seriously for the customers.
Good news now:
As the COVID-19 epidemic is getting better in almost all the countries,
and the demand for anti-epidemic substances dropped,
the logistics storage fee is going down step by step from the end of May.
The shipping cost for DHL, FedEx, UPS, TNT, EMS are all dropping
and the waiting time for the DHL warehouse is much shorter to 2-3 days on June, 2nd.
We believe all the overseas logistics delivery time and shipping cost will become normal soon.
It is the good time to make a purchasing schedule for your importing business now. ^_^
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